A view from November/December 2022 and things to come.

December 16th, 2022

What a year so far, a few climate records are being re written plus once in a lifetime floods affecting large portions of our not so sunburnt country.

The droughts will happen again as they always do so this is a reminder to plan for the years ahead, as a war time President once said “Plans are worthless but planning is everything”.

Due to more difficult wine industry trading conditions there are a host of good quality programs to help grape/wine businesses. A couple worthwhile ones to note are the Podcast series “Healthy minds healthy vines” look it up its worth listening to the series.

The other is a government sponsored financial coaching program by The Rural Business Support network that’s worthwhile investigating call (FREECALL 1800 836 211). Give your business a health check.

Vintage 2023 forecast -Later than we have had for ages. Issue this season is the lack of secure grape contracts. This is a time to plan your finances and weather you decide to harvest or not. Remember rough cost per tonne to harvest and transport is around $500/t.

This will be a tough industry vintage. Planning and getting advice and opinions are crucial to planning the next 12 months.

What’s coming in 2023?

Pellenc 2023 range -Always on the cutting edge with battery and tool technology a new vineyard C35 Vinion and the Orchard C45 pruning secateur will be available for 2023 that encompasses a host of new safety and efficiency features.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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