Compost & fertiliser application

April 20th, 2020

In light cropping years, like the one we just had, soil & vine nutrition is ever more important to ensure next year’s cropping potential. 

Long range weather forecasts predict a wetter than average autumn which means opportunity for soils to become active sooner thus incorporating soil nutrients earlier in the season. Soil tests will reveal deficiencies so it’s a good time to get them done now or look over your last year’s soil reports. Not sure what to do? Ask your agronomist for advice.

Pridham Viticulture has upgraded spreading equipment to handle higher capacity loads to improve efficiencies to keep costs low. We also have differential spreading capabilities which are becoming more popular to even out vineyard variability. The results can be seen within a year especially if you have access to NDVI mapping.

Call or email us for ideas and quotes on fertilising and composting your vineyard..



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